作品名: | title: | カタログNo. | 価格 | 色数: | desin area: | stitch count: | size(外寸): | |
野菜のバスケット |
Basket with vegetables |
08-4176 |
\13,180 |
35 |
C 45x60 |
188x262 |
59.5x74.5 |
果物のバスケット |
Basket with fruits |
08-4177 |
\13,180 |
35 |
C 45x60 |
185x271 |
59.9x74.5 |
赤葡萄酒 |
Red wine |
08-4366 |
\9,520 |
45 |
C 48x58 |
143x206 |
47x59.2 |
チーズと赤葡萄酒 |
Cheese and red wine |
12-603 |
\6,240 |
25 |
C 40x50 |
110x146 |
32.6x43.8 |
ハーブ |
Herbs |
14-207 |
\11,080 |
49 |
E 45x65 |
172x242 |
60.4x76.4 |
羊 |
Sheep |
Not for sale. |
36 |
C 40x50 |
196x251 |
52x62 |
バイオリンとホルン |
Music |
13-253 |
\5,770 |
24 |
C 17x46 |
89x212 |
37.6x67 |
バイオリンを弾く少年 |
Presentation for an expert |
12-456 |
\17,470 |
63 |
C 60x45 |
250x195 |
74x60 |
バラとバイオリン |
Rose and violin |
14-103 |
\7,880 |
26 |
C 50x40 |
201x157 |
58.8x51.6 |
リコーダーとギター |
Music |
13-336 |
\5,380 |
24 |
C 17x48 |
81x214 |
39.4x67.4 |
楽器 |
Musical instruments |
12-947 |
\2,340 |
15 |
C 20x20 |
70x68 |
30.8x28.8 |
子犬とボート |
Puppys and a boat |
12-967 |
\10,840 |
37 |
E 58x48 |
208x164 |
62.4x51.2 |
子犬とアヒル |
Puppys and ducks |
Not for sale. |
28 |
C 40x30 |
156x107 |
43x34.4 |
ハリネズミと一緒 |
Dogs and a hedgehog |
12-978 |
\6,240 |
26 |
C 35x45 |
122x176 |
39.4x48.6 |
窓辺の猫 |
Cats of windows |
Not for sale. |
24 |
C 35x28 |
127x90 |
42.2x35.6 |
りす |
Squirrel |
Not for sale. |
24 |
C 40x50 |
180x192 |
53x57 |
B=1cm 12目
C=1cm 10目
E=1cm 8目
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